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I wanted to see if they still had any of the Seinfeld box sets, for $27.98. Now that's a deal. Of course, they didn't. Completely ransacked and sold out. But they did have the U2 CD for $9.99, so I chucked it into the cart. Toney picked up a couple of things, body fat scale and I checked body fat scale out the clearance rack in body fat scale the men's department. It was still there! The XXL Chick Magnet t-shirt had not yet been sold, and I took it as a sign. It had a big gray footprint on it, but I put it in the cart anyway. $2.98! I'll wear that to the gym, thank you very much. I'm not sure what to make of Toney shaking her head, all exasperated and all, but it's not an uncommon occurrence. The gym! That triggered something in my brain, and I wondered if I should maybe buy some special walking draws while we were there? Last week I mentioned that all the recent treadmill action was causing the top of my legs to heat up like a supernova, and asked for advice.