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economy. I bought the Cabin Boy DVD, a brand-spanking-new Webster's dictionary for the bunker (the thing has $23.95 listed on fat guy the inner flap, but cost ten bucks at Sam's fat guy Club -- with a $3 mail-in rebate!), and a goddamn leather bomber jacket. Yes, you read that correctly, a goddamn leather bomber jacket. I still can't believe it, I get nervous just thinking about it. I've never spent that much money on an article of clothing in my life. For me an impulse buy is usually a sack of Skittles, but on Saturday it turned out to be a big expensive hunk of cow skin. (So much for winning points with Nancy...) I've got the receipt sealed inside a freezer bag just in case I lose my nerve and want to take the bitch back. Holy crap. It's really sharp, and smells incredible, but I don't have the constitution for such a purchase. I wore it to the store last night to buy clam chowder (a fat man has his cravings) and I felt a little phony.
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