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I don't believe any speed is being checked by any aircraft. I think fat lady it's a load of crap. But I have no doubt the signs work. I know people who, I am quite certain, believe a black glider fat lady will swoop down from the clouds if they allow their vehicle to hit the 56 mph mark. The state could erect signs saying that invisible men with cameras are on patrol, and a significant portion of the population would never move their hands from the ten and two o'clock positions on the steering fat lady wheel. And they'd pick their noses inside a locked bathroom, with a towel stuffed under the door. Just in case. For the record, I also know folks who back into parking spaces (for safety), don't trust direct-deposit (they wanna see their money), and are afraid to buy things over the internet (too risky). And I know a man who irons his jeans, and undoubtedly keeps his underwear on hangers.