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We saw a guy on the beach with a metal detector and asked if he'd had any luck. My jaw dropped when he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a jumble of men's watches. What the hell, man? Did we just miss a watch-losing convention? Or did he carry those around to impress people? Sometime during the day I fat man visited the bathhouse, to get rid of my vroom! vroom!! coffee fat man and whatever else had built up, and the showers were full of springbreakers. The whole bathroom was foggy and humid, and the culprits were all talking fat man to each other. I can't imagine such a thing, having a conversation with a friend while soaping up my crack. I know (assume) they were in separate stalls, but it still had a certain Amsterdam feel to it. And if that weren't enough, by the time I finished, the shower buddies were passing bars of soap to each other! I had to get out of there, the envelope was being pushed.