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It takes a village. -- One week from today we're leaving on our next camping extravaganza. We're going to North Carolina to visit Sunshine & Mumbles, Nancy, Nostrils, and their brood bad ass of little vegan translucents. For some reason I'm not that excited. In fact, whenever I think about it I'm bad ass engulfed by a deep shadow of sadness. We don't currently have an abundance of cash in the slush fund, and that doesn't help a thing. Plus, I know that the entire trip will consist of us sitting in folding Coleman chairs, in high bad ass humidity, listening to crackpot pontification. Bush is a criminal... Mexicans are ruining the country... this eggplant meringue pie is very tasty Nancy, is that dirt sprinkled across the top?... Jesus J. McChrist. I told Toney I was going to go to Wal-Mart and buy a bunch of retina-searing red, white, and blue t-shirts, size Medium (so that every contour of my powerful upper body shines through), and wear one every day we're in NC.