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He looked at me for a beat, then liposuction just waved his liposuction hand in a general direction and waddled off in a huff. At least I know it wasn't his snot I met up with minutes later, since it was stuck pretty high up on the refrigerator. Anyone else could've been the source though. I scrubbed my hand in the Barnes & Noble bathroom like a mental patient trying to deal with rejection. -- After our liposuction little outing, we headed to Don Pablo's for lunch, and it turned out to be a slightly painful experience. It was Cinco de Mayo and people were in there boozing it up and having fun. Toney and I have traditionally used this undefined Mexican holiday as an excuse to drink to excess, and it wasn't easy sitting on the sidelines just watching the action. I felt like the kid with one lung who can't play with the other children.