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I get the feeling he's been down this bumpy road close before, and is growing a little weary of the journey. Oh well, I don't want the fucker fired or anything, but I'd sure like for him to sweat a little, and maybe lie awake a few nights worrying. Is that mean-spirited? It's gonna be interesting to see what happens the next time we lock eyes with Ol' Strawberry Alarm Clock in our front yard. I don't think it's even a possibility close that he'll just let it drop; there's gonna be further ugliness. close And it sure would suck if I got my ass kicked by a sixty year old hippie tofu-muncher. And I think that's more than enough on that particular subject. This whole thing reminds me of the little party they had for me when I left Peaches, and was planning my big move to Atlanta. We were at Spring Garden Bar & Grill in Greensboro and a gigantic black guy named Lawrence, who also worked at the record store, returned from the bathroom and proclaimed, "Yeah, you can tell this is a white man's bar...