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If you're a Tom Waits fan (or even if you're not), you can listen to his two(!) new upcoming albums in their entirety here. How cool is that? big black women with asses -- One of Toney's friends is bugging the crap out of her, trying to convince her to start selling Mary Kay products(!?). She calls the house and spews forth torrents of propaganda, in a tone that's not her own. And she big black women with asses simply will not take no for an answer. It's pretty creepy, she's big black women with asses like a pod person now. She'd invited Toney to a Mary Kay party at her house a couple of weeks ago, and Toney felt obligated to accept. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished, and Toney's now paying the price. This woman dropped off a pink CD for her to listen to several days ago, which I'm sure employs the same brainwashing techniques the Japanese used during World War II, and has been calling two or three times per day to see if she's listened to it yet.