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Hello. How’s it going? Good. Just finishing up my last day at work. We’re all gonna go out to celebrate. For as little hot drunk girls as they’ve been paying you, they should buy all your drinks. I hot drunk girls don’t think they’ll do that, Mom Well, they should. Don’t do anything stupid tonight. Mom, I always do everything stupid. Surely you know this by now. I’m taking tomorrow (Friday) off so I can rest up. I don’t want to show up hot drunk girls for my first day at the new job smelling of gin. Well, your father always shows up smelling of Natural Light, and he’s had the same job for 30 years. Are you seeing (name of woman Will has gone on occasional dates with) this weekend? I don’t think so. She’s out of town. You sure do ask about her a lot. I don’t talk to you about girls anymore. Yeah, I read your column last week. I gathered that.
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