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Here we go. Mom, I can’t even take care lesbiansex of my cat. Well, I’m glad you got that new job anyway. But don’t you want a little balance in your life? I like my imbalance. lesbiansex And, to be honest, all those statues of a nearly naked Jesus scare me. Yeah, they lesbiansex scare me too. Can we talk about this later? The work folks are ready to leave. Oh, fine. You always cut off these conversations. I know. What are you writing about this week? Oh, you probably. I’m gonna be really busy this weekend, so I’ll probably just dash something off when I have a spare half hour. I hate to do that, but sometimes, you have to. What will you write about? This conversation, maybe. I haven’t covered much of the Catholicism stuff in there. Don’t give out my age. Mom, honestly, please stop reading my columns. They’ll only make you upset. And don’t make me sound like some old lady either.
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