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Given how discussion guides prim and proper she was—I can't remember her wearing anything that wasn't either black, white, or gray—the discussion guides title of her favorite poem, "No Sex in heaven" caused me some confusion. "In this poem, everyone went down to the River Jordan, and on the trip to other side, all their robes and vestments were washed away. This, too confused me-that she could approve and be so pleased about all these discussion guides grown-ups walking out of the water in their birthday suits. Only later, when I could read, did I discover that the word "sex" in the title, "No sex in heaven" was spelled "S-E-C-T-S." My mother spoke that day of Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation. She spoke of the bravery it took to march up to the schoolhouse door in Little Rock, to march for integration in the South, to defy the bans against free assembly in South Africa. Julia Ward Howe would have been proud, proud to hear my mother give public expression to the maternal ethic of care and tenderness.