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A woman shouldn't have to get an abortion in order to keep her job. So I'm with Henry Hyde and President Clinton on the Family Leave Law that was enacted. Pro mature porn star photo choice isn't the same mature porn star photo as pro abortion. It means choice to either have or not have children. There are people who believe abortion is murder. I'm not one of them. One can hardly argue that we are at least killing something when we abort. However, as a society, mature porn star photo we make choices of life and death all the time. For example, we let people in Africa starve to death all the time. Is that murder? I think it's comes closer to murder than abortion. "But they aren't Americans" you might say. So what. Is life determined by geographical location? As long as we let people starve to death or die in hospitals because of lack of money to pay for medical treatment, don't try to tell me abortion is murder.