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Signed, Anticipating in Albuquerque Dear Anticipating, I’m going to announce a new project, an Unfogged advice column. Sincerely, Tia Dear Tia, Who’s going to be giving the advice? Sincerely, Curious in California chow Dear Curious, I am, along with any of my co-bloggers who sign on. If they chow want to give advice, they can indicate so in comments. You can email your questions to me, tia@unfogged, or to the other bloggers who say they want to chow participate. If you want, you can indicate which of the participating bloggers you want to answer your-- Dear Tia, Why would I want advice from a screwball like you, especially when you’re doing this post in a too-precious-by-half question and answer format? Signed, Skeptical in Skokie Dear Skeptical, You didn’t let me finish. The beauty of the blog format is that when I give dumb advice, everyone can tell me in comments, and you’ll get the benefits of all the Unfogged commenters’ collective wisdom.
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