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In other words, if Iraq is failing it's failing because of what's happening in Iraq, rape videos not because of what's rape videos going on in the US media. (For bonus points, come up with scenarios where failure hinges on the media but not a craven administration. The best I can do is the idea that insurgents wouldn't bother unless they thought they could hold out until rape videos US departure, and they wouldn't think they could do this unless they also thought that US media would drive down political support for the war. Fleshing out this scenario in a way that doesn't implicitly rely on a craven administration [update: craven, that is, in the sense of relying on polling instead of leadership, as the complaint goes, etc. etc.] seems sort of like threading a needle.) UPDATE: Reynolds has updated the post. Others write that if we lose the war it won't be the press's fault, but the fault of Chimpy McHitlerburton.
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