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That was announced right before the conference, so it was in Phoenix that I saw a lot of professors for the first time chicago business and heard their condolences (none were on the admissions committee that year). I remember feeling like an outsider the entire time because I'd been rejected from every chicago business program to which I'd applied and thought I didn't belong in the field. My presentation was entitled, "Aunt Ida, Pedro Zamora, and the Power of Touch: The Place of AIDS in the Composition Classroom." It was chicago business a roundtable, back when they had those, and I had five minutes. My title ended up making no sense because I had to cut so much.1998--Chicago: I can't remember if my proposal was rejected or if I didn't submit. I had no plans to go until I was asked to help out with the writing center workshop \ to talk about evaluation in the writing center. And a few weeks earlier, I'd found out I'd been accepted into the PhD program at UIC, so this trip was the first chance to see my home for the next few years.