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2001 December November October September August July June May April March February January I'm loaded with tumors darling, and I don't even know it. 2000 December November October Friends of TheWVSR Advertisements! Electronic Mail          The State of fat loss My Fat Ass                                       March fat loss 2004 March 31, 2004 -- I had no internet again this morning. It's up and down, up and down... all the time. Like the the size of fat loss Oprah's calves. We pay a premium price for Adelphia Powerlink, and it's fine when it's up. Problem is, it's often not up. It causes a rolling anger to start in the vicinity of my stomach, and by the time it reaches my head I'm a wild man spewing illogical obscenities, such as fuckeater. Seems to me the large amount of cash we send them every month should buy us a service we can rely upon.
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