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No use whining about it after the fact. But I am washing my hands of any gung hay fat choy responsibility for the shittiness of this update today. Blame that on the Adelphia Corporation. Fuck it. March 30, 2004 -- I feel like I'm living inside a clove of garlic. Seriously, I wish you could smell it in here. Toney made pesto last night, apparently an extra-pungent batch, and we might have to sell the house now. The dishes upon which gung hay fat choy this concoction rested have been rinsed and placed inside the dishwasher, gung hay fat choy but I think they're mutating in there, growing stronger and cockier with each passing moment. I'm near tears. Toney loves garlic, and I can't stand it. Oh, it's OK as a subtle ingredient in spaghetti sauce or something, but she likes it in abundance. I simply can't get behind such a plan. The smell of it makes me sad, and the taste causes me to contemplate the taking of my own life.