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But I can't begin to describe the irritation of having to forfeit that kind of fat sluts money, just to get back to square one. It just ain't right. I bought a new mower when we moved here, fat sluts in 2000. It cost something like $350, and it didn't even make it three full summers. It sucks. We could've bought a TiVo with $250, or a home theater system, or a digital camera with a big Ron Jeremy zoom lens. But no, we had to buy ANOTHER lawnmower. fat sluts Goddamn adulthood. And speaking of that... We received our school tax bill a few days ago: $2274, due by December 31. Outrageous. They actually serve shrimp cocktail in the school cafeterias here, and many of the teachers have maids. Or so I've been told. It's socialism. Fuckers won't let me have my TiVo, until everyone can have a TiVo. No winners and no losers. The whole thing's un-American, and the founding fathers are spinning in their graves like egg beaters in powdered wigs. ...I swear I'm about two years away from shouting into a phone receiver: "Yuengling swilling, salted peanuts in the shell dittos from Scranton, PA, Rush!"