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It's nasty, and has been nasty for weeks. The sustained heat fat tit and dampness are now unlocking latent smells and odors in an old couch that we had in California, back when Toney did daycare out of our home (aka The Golden Years). I was sitting on it the other day and I thought, hmmm, where have I smelled that before? fat tit And fat tit then I figured it out: the oozing shit of an ever-smiling Pat Robertson toddler freak named Brian in Santa Clarita, CA. Goddamn. The moisture activated it and set it free. From five years ago! Time to get a new couch. In the meantime, just put some yellow tape around it, so nobody gets near it. Just for kicks we called a few places around town for estimates on having central air conditioning installed in our house, and, in true Scranton fashion, only one place called us back. They take out expensive ads in newspapers and in the Yellow Pages, but don't bother calling back prospective customers.