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He's toast. A man who nibbles Swiss cheese "daintily" is not going to appeal to the common man. Is there any doubt he wears lavender manties? And do we really want Niles Crane in charge of national defense? -- This guy bought some penis enlargement pills advertised in spam mail, and fat loss is chronicling their effect on him. He's just getting started, and it should be fun to watch. On a personal note, his "before" stats made me feel a little better about myself yesterday when I read them; it put a little extra fat loss spring in fat loss my step. -- Finally, here's Buck's latest dispatch from the Holler. Today he discusses salad-on-a-stick, and burning couches. Check it out, yo. And that's gonna do it for today, boys and girls. I'm thinking about making some minor changes around here, and will tell you all about it on Monday.
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