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One fat, one skinny. They were the exhibitionist types, and put on a show for everyone by rubbing their hands all over each other, and looking fat sex dreamily into one another's eyes. Highly entertaining, but it would've been even better if they hadn't been so incredibly ugly. MC Honky was the opening act, and it was simply ludicrous. A person dressed as fat sex an old man came fat sex out and screwed around with a couple of turntables and some electronic equipment, as pre-recorded house music blared from the loudspeakers. Occasionally the guy would light his pipe, but that was about as animated as he ever got. He never said a word. It felt like an Andy Kaufman bit gone horribly wrong. I just don't understand the point of the entire exercise. The Eels finally came out, and played for a long time -- at high speed and at high volume.
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