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I tried to get it ready today, but he sent fat tgp about a hundred photos to go along with it, and I ran out of time. I'm not kidding, it's like an issue of National Geographic this fat tgp time, without the pygmy tits and fat tgp lip-plates. At least I don't remember seeing any... And that's all the energy I have for today, folks. Can you tell I'm coasting here? Sorry. I'll try to do better tomorrow. Promise. See ya. May 3, 2004 -- The weather was nearly perfect this weekend. Saturday was sunny and warm, and Sunday was gray and overcast. One day of spring, one day of fall: a best seasons box set. Ya gotta love it. I left work a little early on Friday and knocked out the grass-mowing before dinner, so it wouldn't be hanging around my neck all weekend. The dread of mowing is almost as bad as the mowing itself, I've learned; it's best just to dive right in.