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Baffling. Am I really large hole the one who's out of step here? -- As you probably know, I'm very concerned that I'm perceived as an intellectual hipster here, just slightly smarter and with-it than everyone around me. I've found that the easiest way of achieving this is to go against popular opinion whenever possible. If you constantly go against the grain people will usually think you're more informed and savvy than they are, and many will even be a little large hole intimidated. And large hole intimidation is sexy as all hell. So, in the future you can expect me to express understanding and sympathy for that pile of shit in Texas who drowned her kids, and justifications for the actions of that American Taliban pig-fucker, as well as concern about the accommodations of the human cockroaches we're holding in Cuba. I also plan to blame every bad thing that ever happens in the world on a repressive US foreign policy.