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"Oh yeah?" "Yeah, she can throw them and I'll be right there to catch them." "You think you'd be there to catch them?" "You bet your ass I'd be there to catch them. She could throw her breasts at me today, and I'd be there to catch them today." "You really think you could catch them if big cunt she threw them big cunt at you today?" That's big cunt not a direct quote, but it's pretty close. It's insanity. Throw her breasts? I don't even know what that means. Holy crap. This flick's almost as terrible as Love Story, and that's saying something. On second thought, maybe I don't regret watching it... -- Yesterday I was forwarded one of those goofy emails that contains an exercise that supposedly tells you something about yourself, as well as grants you a wish if you'll just forward it to ten or twenty people. I usually trash these things without a second look, but it came from somebody who generally has a good eye for interesting shit so I went through the exercise.