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I wish cunt she'd just hollered at us. -- After the dog assault we went to Target, and a few other stores, just to have something to do. Yes, this is what it's come to. What of it? In Target I saw a man in a jaunty black beret milling around the men's department, and thought he seemed a little cunt light on his feet, but didn't really pay him much attention. Then a while later cunt I noticed him removing an entire metal rod-load of fancy little flyless briefs that come in a square box with a black & white photo of a male model with his t-shirt tucked into his pretty undies on the front. I had my suspicions about the people who purchased those things, and I'll take this as confirmation. I mean, they're panties. That's what they are, they're panties marketed to men -- men who apparently spend a lot of time at the gym, wear berets, and stand around drinking coffee with their shirts tucked into their underwear. Not really my scene, the homosexual life. Then I saw Vice President Dick Cheney looking at vacuum cleaners, which seemed a bit odd.