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Based on news supplied by Agilent Technologies - Subject: RTL techniques STEROLS Structure and nomenclature Determination of free sterols Determination of cholesterol sexy plump esters Determination of sexy plump sterol glycosides Determination of sexy plump acylated steryl glycosides FREE STEROLS Cholesterol is the main sterol present in animal tissues but other sterols may be present in biological extracts as those prepared from vegetals. In animal tissues, the lipidologist is most frequently faced with the determination of cholesterol in complex lipid matrices. The choice of a strategy A. If determinations of other components must be made on the same extract (phospholipids, triacylglycerols..) or if only some little amount of material is available, it is most convenient to separate cholesterol (and sterols) by TLC before its quantification. After chromatography (TLC), sterols (free and esterified) can be detected and positively identified by means of various spray reagents, the following being a popular and sensitive one.