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One advantage of shorter columns indeed is that analysis times can be appreciably reduced, so that more samples can be analysed in a given time. For analytical purposes, the internal diameter of the column should be 0.2 to 0.3 mm, though new columns of 0.1 mm plant pathology appear promising. There are reports in the literature of very short analysis times (3-7 min) being plant pathology used, but it seems to me that this is only of value in a few circumstances as the time taken to analyse the data may be much greater than the gas plant pathology chromatography (GC) run time. The liquid phases in use for the GC analysis of methyl ester derivatives of fatty acids are almost exclusively polar polyesters, although a few applications for thermally stable non-polar silicone phases remain. With the latter, unsaturated components are eluted before the saturated fatty acids with the same chain-length, while the reverse is true of polar phases.