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They are modified 20-carbon fatty acids with a 5 carbon ring in the center. The center ring forces the food and-drink molecule to bend over itself, producing 2 extended parallel chains, facing away from the ring. Furthermore, because they are lipids, they easily cross the plasma membrane, and are insoluble in water. The 3 classes of eicosanoids food and-drink hormones are: prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes. To form eicosanoids, the molecule of fat must go through one of two enzymatic pathways. That is, the cyclooxygenase, or lipoxygenase pathway. The former food and-drink leads to the production of prostaglandins and thromboxanes. The latter produces leukotrienes. This trio of eicosanoids will be discussed subsequently [53]. Prostaglandins- Unlike most hormones, which circulate in the blood and function as messengers effecting tissues from specific glands, prostaglandins exert local effects in their area of synthesis. They are biologically active lipid hormones found within the plasma membrane of almost every cell.