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Anabolic effects Lower PG2s Series 2 prostaglandins can have serious adverse affects. We will get into more detail when we discuss omega-6 fatty acids, but suffice it to say, lowering its production would be of benefit to the athlete [77]. Consequently, omega-3s (particularly EPA, which as stated above, is the most potent omega-3 in series 2 prevention; EPA omega3 fatty acid stops AA from being released so it can’t form PG2S) have been shown to inhibit the omega3 fatty acid production of prostaglandin series 2, which omega3 fatty acid is produced by w6s [74]. The effect of consuming more w-3s and lowering w-6s is amazing. These include decreased water retention and inflammation, as well as cardiovascular health. For example, they tested a diet rich in omega-3 oils--using fish oil--and a diet rich in omega-6 oils--using corn oil,--on female mice [54]. The results showed that dietary supplementation with w3s over w6s inhibited the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and slowed progression of immune-complex-mediated kidney injury.