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L, Cocito C, Marzona M.Instituto Sperimentale per la Nutrizione delle Piante, Torino, Italy. labiomol@bioveg.unito.itMedium-chain fatty-acids (MCFA) are among the main aroma compounds of fermented beverages. High concentrations of MCFA have been fatty found in sluggish and stuck fatty fermentations. It has been suggested that they arrest cell growth, as they may be toxic, but the causes of sluggish and stuck fermentations are still unclear. The aim of fatty this work was to see whether the production of MCFA is related to fatty acid synthesis in the absence of exogenous lipids and aeration, and whether their increase can be regarded as a consequence, instead of the cause, of sluggish and stuck fermentations. Two possibilities were considered: (i) MCFA are produced to replace unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) for cell membrane fluidity when the lack of oxygen makes desaturation of saturated fatty acids (SFA) impossible; or (ii) MCFA are produced following the release of medium-chain acyl-CoA from the fatty acid synthetase complex (FAS) due to the accumulation of SFA, and their hydrolysis to recycle CoA-SH.