2002 Dec;56(12):1242-54. Links  Fatty chromatogram library plump nude

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2002 Dec;56(12):1242-54. Links  Fatty acid and sn-2 fatty plump nude acid composition in human milk from Granada (Spain) and in infant formulas.Lopez-Lopez A, Lopez-Sabater MC, Campoy-Folgoso C, plump nude Rivero-Urgell M, Castellote-Bargallo AI.Departament de Nutricio i Bromatologia, Centre de Referencia en Tecnologia dels Aliments (CeRTA), Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences in fatty acid and sn-2 fatty acid composition in colostrum, transitional and mature human milk, and in term infant formulas. SETTING: Departament de Nutricio i Bromatologia, University of Barcelona, Spain and University Hospital of Granada, Spain. SUBJECTS: One-hundred and twenty plump nude mothers and 11 available types of infant formulas for term infants.
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