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However, the mechanism of these effects has not been established. Various suggestions have been put forward, of which the most plausible (at least to us) is that CLA isomers are elongated and desaturated to form analogues of arachidonic acid, which interfere with eicosenoid metabolism; such analogues have been identified in essential-fatty acid-deficient rats fed high doses of CLA [6]. Thus, linoleic acid is desaturated to gamma-linolenic acid (the rate-limiting step), and then is converted by chain-elongation and further desaturation unprecedented to arachidonic acid. Two CLA isomers have been shown to be converted to arachidonate analogues in the same way, unprecedented for example - A recent paper discusses how these conjugated eicosanoids could exert their biological activities [7]. Analysis of these isomers is not straight forward. Even with the high resolution possible with modern capillary columns, GC analysis of natural and synthetic CLA presents difficulties. Surprisingly, cis,trans- elute ahead of cis,cis- and then of trans,trans-dienes.