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I check their celebritysex web sites 5 x a day, and roll my eyes when they say in helpless emails: Please keep checking the web site for status. And at my celebritysex now bible College Confidential, in the USC forum, some guys have now started critiquing my posts, saying: Yo cecileMlDubois, no, exlporeusc is not bogus. I called, I have been accepted. If you can log on to www.usc.edu/exploreusc you have been admitted. Thanks, if this guy is right, I have unofficially and officially heard back from two colleges: UCLA and celebritysex USC. Both have now rejected  me. I'm not blue enough to be a bruin, or red enough to be a Trojan. Maybe some other UC or private will pity me and give me admission. But at this rate I doubt it. I do have some hope of going to UCSD though--I'd be very happy there. Permalink Improper Conduct in High School Posted: March 14, 2006 Classification: I heard that public servants earn 400 dollars a day for each sick day they acccumulate.
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