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She had once directors been an aspiring actress in her younger days, but has opted for middle-class stability in order to devote herself to her beloved son, Estaban (Eloy Azarin). Manuela and Estaban have a great relationship. Estaban hopes to become a writer and is already somewhat accomplished, keeping a journal of his ideas and directors observations. It is his 17th birthday and he receives a Truman Capote novel as a gift from his mother. directors Later, they sit together to watch All About Eve on television. Estaban confides to this mother that he wants very much to know about his father, whom his mother has rigorously avoided discussing with him. All he knows is that his father died when he was too young to remember (or so he thinks). Later that night, mother and son head off to the theater together (A Streetcar Named Desire is playing) and he elicits from her a promise to tell him all about his father when they get home.