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I also learned she was in a relationship with a European in grad school but it didn't work out because she was independent spirited and did not want to be tied down in commitment whereas he was macho and wanted a tourism in chicago housewife. She felt guilty for giving her family grief by not marrying yet, but hey she is not even thirty tourism in chicago yet.  This tourism in chicago is one of the reasons why I like trains. Jeremy and I had tomato cheese fondue at Lugano's Swiss Bistro. It was my first time having fondue. Permalink Big Sur and Carmel Posted: February 24, 2006 Classification: So I had a few nice days with the boyfriend. We baked chocolate souffle cake, went shopping, hiked and picnicked in Big Sur, and drove around. One of the shops was owned by a Hungarian Jewish lady who thought I was a shiksa girl my boyfriend was dating. Fluent in Yiddish and old country-isms, she assumed my boyfrienda  full fledged devout Jew consorting with a secular gentile.
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