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If they feel accepted, they may be open to a conversation that includes essential factual material, information about sexually transmitted disease, for example, as well as hopes and dreams about romance. Communication between parent and child is a dance, different comedy for each set of parents and children. In some cases, the wise parent decides not to ask questions, because he knows he cannot handle certain answers. comedy In others, the parent finds in an adult child a person who is surprisingly willing to talk about lifes dilemmas, if the parent comedy simply stops and listens. Few parents would throw aside the opportunity to speak with their children about romance and love. Sex is simply part of the story. Marion Franck is a Davis writer and regular contributor to campus publications for parents. Illustration by Craig Farris, UC Davis Editorial/Design. This Issue | Past Issues | Magazine Home | Search Class Notes | Send a Letter Berkeley Parents Network Home Members Post a Msg Reviews Advice Join BPN Help/FAQ What's New Search Narcissistic Personality Disorder Berkeley Parents Network > Advice > Advice about Health > Narcissistic Personality Disorder Husband with Narcissistic Personality Disorder Husband with Narcissistic Personality Disorder Nov 2004 After 10 years of pain and frustration, I've come to learn that my husband suffers from NPD.