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Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) Customer Reviews Average Customer Review: Write an online review and share your celebrities upskirt thoughts with other customers. The Vagina Monologues meets Chuck Palahniuk..., January 2, 2006 Reviewer:Insatiable Reader (Houston, TX) - See all my reviewsDon't attempt to read celebrities upskirt this book if you're not comfortable with vaginas. Not just the word 'vagina', but the thought of tingling vaginas, sick vaginas, vaginas in doctors offices. This book deals with Kaysen's mysterious vaginal ailment, and all the hoops she has to jump through to get diagnosed and treated. I read the entire thing with my legs crossed in sympathetic pain. Heaven help me if I ever have to go through what she did. Was this review helpful to you? (Report this) Left hanging, May 12, 2005 Reviewer:K. Lnae "ursulak" - See all my reviews While the book was a quick, funny read the end left me hanging.