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It is indeed a disorder with an extremely poor prognosis- people with it are very guarded, and defensive if crossed, big hooters and have virtually no insight big hooters into their behaviour. Although on a deep level my mother knew that there was something wrong with her, she would never let anyone close enough to her for them to be able to actually help her. It is very lonely to be close to someone with NPD, since they can never truly relate emotionally, and I feel for you. You have to make your own plans, but I big hooters would suggest being neither phony or abusive in any case. Keeping your own spirits up and finding as much satisfaction for yourself in other ways is really the best, and only, defense- even though he probably won't like it. Good luck. anon I grew up with a mother with NPD and a sister that shows signs of it. It is an extremely difficult life that DOES get more difficult with age.