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He beach voyeur wouldn't give the other woman up unless beach voyeur I promised to get back with him. I said no deal. So he didn't give her up. He picked a woman who didn't even care to be with her own child. His affair gave me all sorts of things, an STD, a lower bank account as he bought her gifts, he sued me for spousal support (I made more money). In the end, he basically got eveything he asked for except getting back with me. An NPD doesn't care about anyone but themselves. Yet, underneath it all they don't have beach voyeur the capacity to love themselves. Without that capacity they can't truly love anyone else. Yet, they force the outside world to demonstrate that they are lovable. It is a quest with no end. They lie, they lack remorse, they are an unfortunate role model for your children. They question you need to ask yourself is what modeling are you showing your children by staying in an unhealthy relationship?