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Both fat black pussy the mother and the father are stellar, and the kids do a pretty good job too. When I grow up, I want to be a writer for a show like this one. Not to be missed. fat black pussy And that’s that. As I mentioned, I also watch Spongebob Squarepants whenever I possibly can, as well as Braves baseball and some political stuff like Hardball, The O’Reilly Factor, and fat black pussy Hannity & Colmes. Pretty exciting stuff, huh? Next week I’ll discuss the social significance of everything in my underwear drawer, or perhaps present an exhaustive overview of antiperspirants. May 21, 2001 Weekend update: -- On Saturday we drove to Philadelphia to spend a few hours with Toney's cousin and aunt, and their family. It was fairly non-eventful, although before we met them we did browse around IKEA, and had Chick-fil-A for lunch. I'd wanted to have breakfast at Chick-fil-A as well, but we got a late start and screwed ourselves.