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"Nancy" is plump women here as I type this and, of course, she's the hedge-pitted, militant vegetarian, left-of-Nader, uber-environmentalist friend of the family who rarely disappoints in providing a hemp sack full of incredible stories whenever she visits. I get a lot of pleasure out of laughing at her, but I have to admit this stay has been an uncharacteristically easy-going affair. She's here with her so-called husband, and their two young boys, and I think the pressures of parenthood have plump women helped knock them off their high-horse -- at least temporarily. Things have gone amazingly well, and things never go plump women well when Nancy's in town. I don't think she has the energy anymore to be as zealously judgmental and superior as she once was. Being absolutely correct about absolutely everything is a lot of work, and she's just not up to the task at the moment.