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She told Toney she pays six dollars for a single organic red pepper! Her grocery bill is reportedly between six and seven fat woman hundred dollars A MONTH, but she considers it "philanthropy." I consider it something else altogether. But all in all it hasn't been so bad. Absent are the snooty comments fat woman about our televisions, our lackluster attempts at recycling, our fat woman commercial produce, our meat consumption, our non-German cars built in this half-century, our consumerism, our lack of sophistication, our typical American ways, our knowledge of baseball standings, our two refrigerators, our daily showers, etc. etc. All hail lack of sleep! May 24, 2001 We here at the Surf Report Compound realize that television is evil. We're aware of its ability to transform normal functioning adults into lethargic Cheeto-dusted meat sacks, and how it robs folks of valuable time that could otherwise be spent on more rewarding endeavors, such as reading or hollering at each other.