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Every time a left-handed batter no cache came to the plate I was convinced he no cache would rocket a line drive off my temple, and I'd spend the next forty years in a wheelchair shitting in a bag. I was also leery of taking a length of shattered bat through the neck, but surprisingly nothing like no cache that happened. However, we did see a group of nine or ten year old boys walking around the concession area with bats held to their crotches, simulating masturbation. That was nice. And I got carded by a humorless man with a severe under-bite when I bought a Mt. Pocono Lager, which made me happy. And they played a high-energy dance number between innings with the chorus: "Smells like shit...goddamn!" Very interesting indeed. There's nothing like minor league baseball. It's as American as it gets. May 17, 2001 A few very random things: -- I was sitting in a restaurant earlier this week and didn't even really notice the music playing softly in the background. It's non-intrusive by design, after all.