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The shows are wacky and hilarious, but also sometimes touching. And the characters, including the supporting cast, are played to perfection. The kid who plays Warren, the teenage geek, fat boob should win an Emmy. He’s genius. And Phil Stubbs, the lunatic bowling alley manager, is a pleasing goofball. I like everything about the show, but I have to admit I was mildly disappointed by the season closer. Would they just let Ed and Carol get it on already? Shit! Both of them want it. -- Everybody Loves Raymond Another great show from Worldwide Pants fat boob - and this fat boob one’s really well-written and character-driven as well. Ray’s irritating family, who live across the street, is the key. Both the mother and father are hilarious, and the guy who plays the brother is a master at reacting to the lunacy around him.