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is in charge of national defense. fat people That's what it says, right? In fat people a nutshell? And I'm not seeing things? Sweet sainted mother of Blanket Jackson... Have a great weekend, folks. I'll get back to the regular stuff on Tuesday. And it'll be with a new host too! See ya then -- fat people if not earlier at the Butt Lettuce show. (Their all such nice guys.) Bye. May 26, 2005 -- Sorry that I've gone on and on about the Earthlink situation, but it's what's been on my mind. Day and night. I realize I've been droning like a fat office clerk describing her disgusting medical procedures, but I think you'll be pleased to know that it's almost over. I sure as shit am. I paid Earthlink off yesterday, and now owe them zero. Then I called Hostito and bought six months (plus two free bonus months) of hosting from them, and plan to make the Big Switch over the long weekend.