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Just kidding. I wouldn't do that to you. Not today, anyway. I do reserve the right, however, to break it out in the future, on slow days. I can do 500 words on oats, easy, and I'm keeping it in the bullpen in case of emergencies. ...Hello? Is this thing on?? -- I fat girl had a dream last night fat girl that I was a jockey. Not a very experienced jockey, mind you, but a jockey fat girl nonetheless. I was entered in some kind of bizarre horse race that involved a straight track, like in drag racing, with a very short distance between finish line and a brick wall. My big concern was that I could make the horse go full-out, but still be able to stop before crashing into the wall. There was only one other horse in the race, and its rider was John Locke from Lost. (These must've been some big-ass animals!) He was very confident of himself, and was actually giving me advice before the race. This pissed me off to no end, the cocky bastard. After a lengthy speech by Ice-T in support of our troops in Iraq (I'm not making any of this up), the race was about to begin.