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See ya tomorrow. May 25, 2005 -- I'm not going to go into it again, but pee the situation with Earthlink just pee keeps getting worse and worse. I called them yesterday afternoon to confirm that they'd credited me $508 like pee they promised, and learned that they'd only credited $369(?). I was on the phone for over ninety minutes, and at various points was literally screaming into the receiver. People at my job were poking their heads out of their offices to see who'd finally snapped. I was so pissed by the attitude and absolute refusal to admit any wrongdoing or mistake, I think my heart was stretched to the size of a human head. I just couldn't believe it, and still can't. I know it's an overused phrase, but it fits in this case: they suck. I don't know what's happened to this company that I used to recommend at every opportunity. It's quite literally one thing after another now.