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Oh, I'm used to seeing alarming things in the mirror, but this one was new... I was singing out of the corner of my mouth virus like Buddy Hackett or Greta Van Susteran or some random stroke victim. What the hell?! When did this start, and why? I tried to think about it, and I'm certain I've seen myself singing in a virus mirror before. Maybe with virus a hairbrush, belting out "Crystal Ball" after a few drinks? Or had I? Perhaps I've been doing the Hackett from day one and just didn't know it? Good God, I looked like Eddie Money after the fall. I shouldn't be allowed to leave the house. -- I'm going to try to get the ball rolling this week on the Surf Report t-shirts. Any preference on a color? Last time I did black with white writing, and I'd like version 2.0 to be different from that. I'm thinking about gray, or maybe dark blue. I don't want to get into multiple colors because it would be too complicated with the different sizes and all; I ain't running a friggin' Target here, goddammit.