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I'm not certain, but I thought I heard elephant sounds in the background as I spoke with this "Cindy." As she pulled up my account I was barely able to contain myself; I was ready to get into it and mix it up. The quartet had done nothing to calm blondes me down. After reviewing my numbers she told me I'd gone over my limit in May, and began blondes "explaining" to me what bandwidth allowance means and how blondes I'm fined if I exceed my allowed usage, blah blah blah. She was talking as if addressing a large retarded boy with his pockets full of apples, and I thought my head would surely blow clean off my shoulders. Through clenched teeth I told her that there was no way in hell I exceeded my limit, that I monitor it closely, and various alarms are in place to insure that it never happens again. "Please hold," she said, and I was thrown back in with the sophisticates. Finally "Cindy" came back on the line, and told me she'd requested a credit for $508 to my account.