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rocky. I've reported (whined) at length about the Neti Pot over-bandwidth disaster from a few months back, and many of you were kind enough to donate to a exercise fat relief fund to help get me out of that dark, dark hole. I appreciate that, but I don't think they're finished with me yet. About ten days ago I gave them another $250 from The exercise fat Fund, bringing my unpaid balance to $341. I used my handy-dandy Paypal ATM card to make this payment, and all was well. Then one day I checked the balance in the account, and saw that they tried to double-dip on me. There were two attempts to withdraw $250, and the shit had been thrown into disarray. I believe the official banking term to describe the scenario is "a fucking mess." An honest accounting error? Perhaps. Then on Saturday I received a bill from them, and when I ripped open the envelope and took a look at what was inside, I think I actually shrieked like a schoolgirl.